Nodejs Cheat Sheet

12 Aug 2022 - Alejandro Piña

Basic nodejs commands that are used in my day to day

Working with NVM (Node Version Manager)

Install NVM

Note: You can check the latest version from

curl -o- | bash

Available nodejs remote versions

nvm ls-remote

Install some nodejs version available in the list of remote versions

nvm install 14.15.0

List local installed nodejs versions

nvm ls

Choose a version from installed nodejs versions

nvm use 14.15.0

Change default node version

nvm alias default XX.XX.X

Working with NPM (Node Package Manger)

Initialize a NodeJS project

npm init

Install a package

  • -D package appear in devDependecies section in file package.json
  • -P package apper in dependencies section in file package.sjon
  • -g install package in the global scope

Note: without version its installs the latest version

npm i @angular/core@13.0.0

Install all packages listed in the section dependencies and devDependencies

npm install

Working with NPX (Node Package Execute)

Execute a local package

npx ng build